Ganesha Symbolism Ganesha Big Head: Think Big Ganesha Large Ear: Listen More Ganesha Small Eye: Concentrate More Ganesha Long Trunk: Strength and Adjustability Ganesha Big Belly: Peacefully Digest every good and bad in life Ganesha Blessing: to Bless and Protect Ganesha One Tusk: Preserve Good and Discard the Bad Ganesha Small Mouth: Speak Less

15 Amazing Facts About Ganesha Symbolism

Who is Ganesha? Ganesha is the cutest, auspicious, and most divine god believed in Hinduism. Ganesh is the remover of obstacles, pilgrims first thank him when they visit a temple. People generally seek knowledge concerning the Ganesha Symbolism, i.e. to know elaborately why Ganesha is so auspicious and considered as the leader of positivity and…